Monday, August 14, 2006

I'm Just Being Totally Random

Ever felt inspired but trapped by the confines of reality? I have. I am.

Ever been filled with so many ideas that nothing comes out? I have. I am.

This is starting to feel like a poem. It isn't really. They're just ramblings, random musings from the random girl would probably be more appropriate.

I miss writing. I take advantage of it too much.

I was asked what I enjoyed writing about. I said love. Partly true but mostly I love writing about my observations, my thoughts.

Great. I come up with this now. Why couldn't I have thought of that before? My dad always said that hind sight is always 20/20... I really must have clear eyes at the back of my head...

I'm not making sense again. Is this underage thinking? Wait, I am not "underage" anymore, legally anyway... I think Teddy Geiger's affecting my thinking... too much "Underage Thinking" or should I say Thinking Underage?

See, totally random.


Anonymous said...

Ever felt inspired but trapped by the confines of reality?
Ever been filled with so many ideas that nothing comes out?

I guess a lot of us are.

Random, yes, but random posts always make more sense than planned out ones. Lol. :) Just a thought.

Nikki said...

You're probably right!