Sunday, May 06, 2007

God Must Be A Scriptwriter

If I'm to be asked about God's identity, this would be my answer: I believe God's a scriptwriter.

I'm not turning religious on you or anything. I just had one of those "eureka" with the matching light bulb moments a few days ago and that's what inspired me to talk about this.

I come from a Roman Catholic family where the elders are pretty conservative. Okay, my grandmother (mother side) is anyway. But we have been taught great values over time and I've been grateful for that. That doesn't make me want to spend my entire day in church though. I have my reasons for not doing that. That's beside the issue but I just wanted to state that this has nothing blasphemous against the religion I have been brought up in.

Okay now that I made my point, where was I? Right! I remember now.

Scriptwriters are the people behind the scenes who control the plot of a story. I believe no one would disagree with me on that. Now doesn't that sound familiar?

God knows what's in store for our future. He knows what will happen no matter what route we take. He has this plan for us but his waiting for us "actors" to take it whichever direction we choose to. We can try to wrestle with it but He already knows what’s going to happen. He's just waiting for us to unravel everything.

We can try to question and maybe give a suggestion. Sometimes He'll listen and sometimes He won't. It doesn’t matter how many times we try to object as long as He holds the reigns then there's nothing we can do.

I have had a bunch of moments where I felt the weight of someone else controlling my life. I realized that it was Him all along. But those moments weren't always negative. I've had a lot of "thank God I’m alive" moments. He has given me a miracle. He has given me my life. I will be eternally grateful for that.

Through His "script" I learned lessons and met amazing people. Through Him '’m trying my best to grow up to become a good example of His love.

No matter how many times I wish things would turn out a certain way, I know it's all in the hands of that big scriptwriter in the sky. He takes suggestions. I tried and sometimes those were successful. For the most part they weren't because He had an even better plot twist for me.

I seriously believe that God's a scriptwriter. Would you beg to disagree?


Anonymous said...

do I have to beg just to agree?

hehehe... great use of figures of speech! ^_^ loved it a lot.

Well, for some song writers, God is a DJ.

"He knows our future..." This part I believe. But can He also know the choices we make? I wonder whether God also creates a back-up script in case we chose otherwise?

Or, He waits our choice, and scribbles down what will happen... hmmm....

"It doesn’t matter how many times we try to object as long as He holds the reigns then there’s nothing we can do."

The statement slightly chilled me. "there's nothing we can do..." I've never really put it down in these kind of words. Aggressive. But somehow, true.

Hee hee... 'twas an interesting thought! ^_^

Nikki said...

Thanks Tin! You're very kind. : D

I would like to believe that He's covered all the bases... HAHA I also believe that we are all here to represent Him in one way or the other that's why there's nothing we can do about that.

Poli said...

Mmmm...predestination. I don't think we share the same belief. To each his own I guess! Hehe!

Anonymous said...

hmm... even allan has a point...

now i'm confused.

Nikki said...

To each his own... HAHA that's what makes everything interesting... HAHA