Thursday, September 08, 2005


This entry has been long overdue because I have been so terribly busy... I still have a lot of things to do but my schedule is a bit open right now... I know my layout has this feel good theme going on but let's face it we can't always feel that way... I have been pondering on this one question for about a few weeks back already...


What I mean by numb is I have lost the will to love... I have been advocating to Rembert that everything is going to be okay and that we just have to wait... well I actually still believe in that but with all the couples I know and see every single day at UST I have this certain feeling... not jealousy... well maybe a bit... but most of the time I just feel NUMB... it is like I just don't give a f*** anymore... it is like I am loosing the hope in looking for love...

What is love by the way? Can anyone please tell me? I have been giving advice to my friends for so long regarding this topic... but as I am growing up??? I am beginning to doubt everything I know about this topic... CAN ANYONE PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME?

What is it like for you people? How does it feel? Oh My God... I am going numb regarding this topic... maybe this is the effect of waiting for something so long... I AM NUMB and LOSING HOPE... NOT FOR OTHER PEOPLE BUT FOR MYSELF...

I will forever be a sucker for happy endings... I will forever be a hopeless romantic... especially since I was with Jhe and Syd yesterday... it just makes me think that for other people there is still hope that no matter where they are love will find them...

Has my search ended? Am I bound never to find that one love? Will I turn into a cynic? I hope not... God knows I hope not... I DON'T WANT TO BE NUMB... but as of this moment I AM BEGINNING TO LOSE HOPE IN MY HAPPY ENDING...

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