Saturday, August 06, 2005

What Is Wrong With Being In Between?

I'll be a total groupie and say that I TOTALLY LOVE THIS SONG! I find the video wierd and hilarious but I love this song!! I can't wait to buy their cd! FALL OUT BOY RULES!!!!

My love for rock music is growing and growing everyday... yesterday I bought three cds (they are pirated... I'm sorry... but original cds are tad too expensive and I bought these because I wasn't sure if I was going to love it... and I don't want to waste 450 bucks on a cd that I will regret buying... I only buy originals when I totally love the artist or album) one is the YELLOW CARD album entitled OCEAN AVENUE, THE USED album entitled THE USED, LOST PROPHETS album entitled START SOMETHING... and I have to say that I am totally loving it... I feel like I am saying totally a lot of times in this entry... I feel so Cher in Clueless... haha well they say as if a lot but you get my point... It is just that I am expressing my new found love in rock music...

But there was something that struck me when I bought these yesterday... you see I bought them at this tiangge in Colayco park in UST... and well this guy that was selling the cds... probably just a few years older than me maybe 20 or so you can tell that he was a rocker and he was wearing this shirt saying "Don't shoot me because I am a skateboarder..." something like that well I forgot... anyway when I paid and had the cds tested he said that "Ang tindi nitong mga kinuha mo..." Maybe because here was this girl who was dressed in her "high school looking uniform" with blue dreamcatcher style earrings... hair in a half pony... let's just put it this way... I didn't look like a hard core rocker or just a rocker... (no offense to those who are) I just looked like a typical girl... who would be into the latest pop and rnb stuff... and would never even be thought of as holding a rock album in her life... I know I won't be able to really stomach the real hard core rock or even the real hard core rap... I am in between... Is there anything wrong with that? I did think a bit of it when he said that... I just sort of thought like, "Why is there a crime forbidding me from buying these cds?" Wait there is these are pirated... hehe but anyway... it is just that again I will refer to one of my favorite shows ONE TREE HILL where ANNA said in this episode where they were supposed to make a time capsule and on the video she said, "I HATE LABELS..."

And I totally agree with her... why is it in society we have to be placed in this one box? Either you are a rocker, a punk, a preppy, a nerd, a flirt or whatever... I don't get it why you have to be this one person when you can actually grow and be the total opposite of yourself! Why you have to be classified into this one thing? And then people just put up with it and accept this norm that is just so totally wrong... like in JOAN OF ARCADIA yesterday... JOAN realized how we are all just so vain that we care so much about how other people perceive us and we either try to live up to their expectation or totally go to the other direction and defy them that in the process we lose or are ashamed to be who we are!!!

I know I am guilty of this because I too am scared of how other people see me I live my life out of fear of how other people will react to my actions... it is human nature I guess but it just gets tiring to try to live up to them and losing your own true identity in the process!

I do love rock music! I love rnb! I love ballads and sentimental music! I love pop music! I love emo! I sometimes even love rap! I love wearing girly skirts! I love graphic t-shirts with cool sayings! I love to laugh! I love to brood! I am a happy person! I'm a grumpy person! I am fascinated by the lives of Hollywood celebrities! I love collecting magazines yet I love to read books too! I love a lot of things that contradict each other in social norms! Why is it so hard for us to show who we really are? Why are we so afraid to get out of the box, to get out of the label? Why do we have to stay in this one thing when this world was created to discover its different facets?

This has been a long but enlightening entry for me... and I just love it... so I'd better go but I will leave you with this question which is my title too...

What Is Wrong With Being In Between?


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