Saturday, November 05, 2005

Disappointing People

Classes are about to start on Monday... woohoo! HAHA Not really excited though not really bummed that much... well more bummed I guess... I just enjoy vacations... call me a lazy person but hey that is life...

Which reminds me... we went to my other lolo's (my father's dad) mosoleo in La Loma and when we got there we saw something very sad... we don't really go there during Nov. 1 and 2 because we don't want to be there with so many people there and well that little mosoleo had metal fences attached to cemented poles and guess what some shameless robbers took almost all the metal fences! Only three were left! Even our little gate was stolen! I was shocked actually... to see people disturb the places where they did not even think was where the loved ones of the deceased laid them to rest...

It was disturbing, disheartening, and well just plain sad really... I guess it should be expected that people would disappoint you but when they do it still comes as a shock... well you know what?! Those people I know are also going through a rough time and well I pray for them... they are never really going to get anything out from what they are doing but still I can't help but feel disappointed...

Oh well... with that out of the way... and well before I go... I just like all the other things that I love well, I loved The OC episode today because well of the whole prom scene and how Seth was again just in time to sweep Summer off her feet... : ) those who watch the show might know what I am talking about... I am going to go now because it is already Gilmore Girls (TV FREAK ladies and gentlemen!)


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