Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Fear And Belief

I had an interesting day yesterday... classes begun last Monday but last Monday our dear professors did not show up! We wasted four hours in class... sucks but it was okay I guess... but yesterday all of them showed up... and I met I think the professor that would probably have the most impact on well my life and academic life... he's our Filipino Literature... he's name is Prof. Neil Perez. He is the second person to tell me and the whole class the words that made me more confident to pursue journalism... the words: PROVE THEM/THE WORLD WRONG.

Those words have gotten me through my weak moments... my dad was the first person to tell me that... he has taught me so much... he has so much faith in me and I am thankful for that... especially since faith is something that does not come a long too often... people have faith in you but sometimes they have faith in you to fail... they wish for you to fail and they have faith that you will fail. It is a sad reality... people will root for you to fail. It could be that way but like what Sir Neil said yesterday... a very cliche phrase but something that is also true... your worst enemy is yourself... don't believe yourself, believe IN yourself.

That is something that needs to be in each and everyone of us... that is something that falters when things start to colapse that is one of the first things that go with it... that lack of faith in yourself that giving up seems like the only remedy. It is a sad reality but it is true... it happens to all of us, it happens to me a lot... but then again you must also remember that things really do happen for a reason. Some reason that we may never know of but it happens that way. We should never be victims of our on choices, we should be the masters of them and stand by them. It is easier to give up but when you think of it in the long run what you gave up maybe the one thing which you would need the most, that one thing that will help you succeed. That one thing to make you happy.

I gave up a bunch of times... heck I gave up a lot of times... giving up because of the loss of faith in what might happen, because of fear, because of other people and the worst one because I lost faith in myself... I want to learn from my mistakes so much but it is so hard sometimes because those mistakes seem to be the easy way out. Fear is something that I have yet conquered. I wish I could. Insecurity is another one. I need to get past them. Maybe you should too...

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