This is taken from this blog/site... check it out... it is a cool site... this was where the All American Rejects got the postcards for their "Dirty Little Secret" video... cool...
It is interesting really... oh man... I have colds... this sucks really but there is nothing I can do about that... hmph... I hate being asked to do something I can't do... it is frustrating and well it causes stress...
Anyway, I am breezing or passing through life lately... going through my daily routine. Waking up, studying or watching tv, going to class, feeling alone, going to the lib, eating at school, going home, feeling more lonely, watching tv, studying, sleeping... I am just living a life of routine. I have no one to talk to about it so I just let it all out here. Let's face it we all need to vent. We need that one person to keep you company. Man is a social being and lately I haven't been that... haha funny right... it seems like I am not the person anyone needs to talk to.
My head aches seriously. Anyway, well don't we all have that moment where we feel like we are watching everything pass us by... an interesting stand point sometimes but not all the time. I don't know what is wrong. It probably is just me and my twisted thinking... but I can't deal with these feelings anymore. I'm just letting out so I can put it aside. I'm lonely, I feel like water that people see through, I feel worthless and sad. I feel like I am fulfilling what others perceive of me, sad thing really, no one to talk to... living behind a mask. That is me right now... LIVING IN A MASK now I sort of understand what that means...
At least I let this out. A little depressing but it makes me feel a bit good. Now I can let it go... : )
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