I was talking to Tin, Betsy and Edree last night about satisfaction. We were watching Ge and Joshua help Meg and Tets for their audition for Mediartrix's new production and we got to talking about the things we wished we could do. My major frustration is performing. If I was given the talent to sing and dance well, I would love to be a theater actress. Oh and I would have loved to be an artist but I can't draw to save my life... HAHA
Tin mentioned something about how we always want we don't have. If we could sing, we want to dance. If we dance, we want to sing. It seems that there is always something we want that's just beyond our reach.
I never get satisfaction I admit that and anyone who reads this would be lying to yourselves if you say that you are satisfied with your life at the moment. It's part of the absurdity of life! I don't know what I want in my life and I'm not satisfied because I know there's something missing. I want a lot of things I can't have. I never really put that in writing but now I openly admit it.
I don't know what I wanted out of my previous bitter entry but it did give me a sense of relief. I needed that outlet but I am not saying that I'm satisfied with my situation. Relief is different from satisfaction. I'm still searching for something more. And in the words of Stacie Orrico: "There's gotta be more to life than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me..." I couldn't help myself I really wanted to write that down.
Life's absurd, it's crazy and it doesn't guarantee that it would give us what we want. It would probably give us our satisfaction and happiness in a very unexpected way. And I'm not actually surprised by that idea.
i lke soo much read your blog also if i can't understand everything because i'm an italian girl and my english isn't very good...
You're right grey's anatomy is wonderful!bye..
hi! thanks that means a lot... i appreciate the complement... and you're english is all right... I wish I knew italian!
grey's anatomy is definitely wonderful!
take care!
Purpose...it's that little flame
that lights a fire
Under your ass.
Purpose...it keeps us going strong
like a car
with a full tank of gas!
-Purpose, Avenue Q Broadway Musical
Just keep looking.
iwanted to say something but szusza already delivered everything XD amp XD
Sorry Nicole but I would like to disagree with Camus' perception.
"Life is not absurd."
Every thing has reason,regadless if we could comrehend it or not. We can never mock it otherwise were just mocking back at ourselves. Life may be filled with ironies, but it doesn't mean there's no reason behind it.
As some phenemenological philosophers would like to say "Let focus on the bigger picture."
Nicole, I like that song!
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