Mae and I were on our way home yesterday and our conversation landed on the topic of guys and the "off factor"... okay that's not really a term but I'm coining it that way now. We both agreed on how there would always be that something a little "off" when we start to like new guys...
It could probably be our own fault because we are always finding faults in them but if you get what we feel there always seems to be that feeling that something's missing. There's that feeling that something's a little "off". Thus, the "off factor".
It's not just in guys though. It's in all of us... we all have our own mistakes and flaws. Nobody's perfect. An example I can remember is about this "perfect" guy who seemed to have everything but he killed himself after a horrible fight with his girlfriend. She was this guy's weakness. And that makes him imperfect. That makes him human.
The thing about the "off factor" is how much of it are you willing to take. I believe that things in our lives are all compromised. There would always be that "give and take" relationship no matter what. The question becomes an issue of how much are you willing to compromise for that person to become part of your life. Are you willing to see beyond the person's imperfections? Is he or she worth that compromise?
I've been asking myself those questions lately and I'm at a crossroad between letting this one person in or just disregarding my feelings all together. To be honest I feel that he's just not worth it. I feel like I'm not willing to compromise. It seems to be that we're better off as friends anyway. But now another question popped into my mind: Is it really his problem? Or am I the one with the problem? Oh God... why do I feel like this is all my fault?
I know there is something seriously "off" with me... HAHA
hi nicole!
your blog design is so cool...it's Christmas-sy!
haha! Merry Christmas in advance!
you're so right...that's the reason why I'm still a proud (and confused) member of the NBSB club...(",)
omg boy problem journal thingie~ O__O
edree really is bragging her being a nbsb...
oh well nicole...a boy problem?
who's dat guy is?
edree is definitely proud... hehe
i don't consider it a problem anymore... hehe this was sort of an admission i guess that i'm somehow managed to stop myself from totally getting caught up with this guy...
it's fun to talk about boy problems here... adds a little intrigue... HAHA
hi edree!
hi rembert!
hi betsy!
Reading your entry, i'm forced to believe something is wrong with me too. Haha. ^_^
Maybe it's because of the strictness of my parents that's been implied with my studying here? (maybe yes... then again maybe no)
Well... i just wanted to share...
that maybe, we'll see things in different light if we stop looking down to him as somebody we could be with... right? Haha. Just presumptions. No need to get serious to this. But i've been thinking a lot lately...
Coz the more we try to see him going out with us, the more we see the "off" things... but when we just, you know, the ordinary talk, the hi's and hello's, wazzup's and wazzdown's... then... there's more popping-out-of-nowhere romance. Haha!
Never been in love.
Yet not hoping to be alone forever.
It's good reading your entry. There are things to think about - even those you think are "ridiculous"... haha. Then maybe that's what make you more human nicole! ^_^
haha thanks tin! i guess sometimes i feel like i'm shallow and silly... but then again i do talk about human feelings and my own to be exact.
you're right by the way... i guess i'm that type of girl who tries to plan relationships even before they happen... maybe that's why i've never been in one... hehe
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