Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I really don't have anything interesting in mind... I don't know why... life is just pretty much going on... I go to school then I head home... pretty lonely really... I miss my friends... friends meaning my barkada... as in Ria, Pia, Che, Jhe, Mae, Chell, Ion, Anntots, Jo... and Rianne, Rembert, Waymong, Ramon, Jolo and all my high school friends... mostly the friends I gained in my last year... I don't know why but there is something during your last year in highschool... that was a great and tiring time for me.

Anyway, there was this wierd assignment though for my Literature class... we had to make our own epitaph and obituary... freaky right?! I even put in a date... I was to die January 21, 2065... I don't know why... I will be 76 years old and I would die of cancer of some sort... haha I didn't put the cancer part though that was just what I was thinking... I don't know why I think of this as a way of death for me... maybe because when I do reach that stage it is highly unlikely that I would die in my sleep for no apparent reason... I don't want to be a vegetable... I would rather die of cancer or some sort because in my perspective people who are sort of branded with a sickness sort of discover the value of their lives... and I want that... it might be too late but I want that...

Right now I do know some value of my life but I admit that I take it for granted though... and I remembered when I saw the movie version of Tuesday's with Morrie! I loved it! Haven't read the book yet and so it makes me want to read it more!!!

Anyway I still have to wake up at 5 to attend my PE class... bye for now!


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