Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Blasted Prof...

OMG!!! I still have the same theology prof... man... shoot me now... haha just kidding... it just I can't take the torture again... man... I saw my grades already and I am pretty happy... woohoo! I survived ha! hehe

Anyway I am pretty happy with my performance because well I did my best! I haven't been updating because I don't have access (I'm just using my dad's account... hehe) and well I am just at home so there is nothing really interesting to tell...

Maybe the fact that I have to return on Saturday to UST because our enrolment was cancelled due to "technical problems" yesterday... we were in line for an hour and a half! And the fact that I saw my old crush yesterday when I was looking oh so haggard... great! That always happens to me seriously! When I look my worst that is when I see them... blasted! haha

Well I better go now... I'll just keep this short... I have a gimik with the girls on Friday... I miss them so much and I can't wait for that!!!! Well I'd better go! Bye!!!

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