Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gateway Excursion

Blasted my entry got deleted again... well as I said... today is the start of my vacation! WOOHOO haha... three weeks of freedom... yes!!

Well some of my classmates decided to celebrate and we heard that movie houses in QC were half priced... so we decided to head to Gateway! I am not ashamed to say that I have never been there before and I have never been to Rockwell haha...

We saw "40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN" which I found to be hilarious, that's a bit of the guy talking in me and well the girl in me found it hilarious too... : ) it was a bit graphic (upper frontal and back side) well I guess it is an American movie and sex sells... so anyway, it had a good message behind it though... "NEVER BEEN IN A HURRY TO HAVE SEX" which is so true...

But I did feel bad for some of my classmates because they felt a bit uncomfortable with the graphic part... a bit of a shock for them... and we were all girls... so yah...

But to me it was all good, clean fun (the guy in me is speaking up again haha) well there was nothing really malicious about it for me... just one heavy laugh trip... especially my favorite scene which was when Andy had his chest waxed... everyone in the small theater was laughing their heads off... well it was a good movie for me anyway... just something to make you laugh...

And when I saw this movie it made me appreciate my non-traditional upbringing... you see most parental units would not allow their children to watch American Pie... but we were... well it was at home and we were with them but it was behind our Lola's back because she would flip if she saw us watching that... but as I said we were not sheltered too much... because like Mae said awhile ago "Kids will find out about that sooner or later" and it would be better to educate them... and I would like to be like that with my kids one day... not shelter them so much... teach them to be independent... let them be open to some things before they do something seriously stupid... see I turned out okay! (yeah right!) haha

Anyway... I saw my crush today before we went to Gateway which made me happy... not related but well you know me... scattered all over the place... haha : )

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