Friday, April 21, 2006

Crushes, Nostalgia & Hollywood Movies

Nostalgia - sentimental recollection: a mixed feeling of happiness, sadness, and longing when recalling a person, place, or event from the past, or the past in general.

It is just so nostalgic. High school. Everything about it. I'm not one of those people who wished to stay in high school and live in that happy little bubble forever but I do get quite sentimental when I go through document upon document of high school activities that include my first amateur video made up documentary/investigative show for Speech (it got raving reviews by the way!), junior prom, youth's night, senior year that had so many activities packed into it that it made up for my inactivity in the past years... okay I wasn't that inactive since I was content with working on the school paper alone back in my sophomore and junior year.

I got cocky and did everything during my senior year! I was the editor-in-chief of our school paper (something that I will always be proud of), one of two level representatives in the student council, a class representative for the senior council where they took me in so I could work as one of the batch book editors, I almost, ALMOST became an non-commissioned officer for our CAT corps (but I had to quit this because my plate was already overflowing) while juggling my academics. It was the most exhausting year of my life... well until I reached my first year in college. So I guess I could say that it was the most jampacked year. But I wouldn't regret going through it all because each experience even my short stint with the CAT helped me realize all the things I wanted to do. It made me realize how I love doing it all! I love being busy, most of the time anyway.

It is just so mind blowing how many things can happen to you in the span of a few years. High school wasn't that magical time for my romantic life but it was a time of growth for me as my own person. I guess it took me time to be out of that environment for me to discover that. I guess high school was more kind to me in that way. Life... how interesting it gets.

Well before I go I just want to post my must-see movies! And speaking of movies I liked Four Brothers. I have developed a crush on Mark Wahlberg in the Italian Job (good movie by the way!) and now in this movie I have developed a crush on Garrett Hedlund, he played Patroclus (Brad Pitt/Achilles' cousin in Troy) before. He's just cute! I think I have enough Hollywood crushes to last me a lifetime but that doesn't stop me from spotting new ones. They just come to me! HAHA Through my unending enjoyment in watching Hollywood movies and tv shows.

Anyway there are a lot of great movies out and coming out so I am so excited!!!!

The Lake House

I find this movie really intriguing (okay so it is reminsicent of the local movie Moments of Love with its transcending through time thing). Anyway I'm indulging in my hopeless romantic side and besides I love Keanu Reeves... oh and Sandra Bullock too! HAHA

X-Men: The Last Stand

I'm not that much of a fan of the comic-book-turned-into-a-movie genre except for this series and Fantastic Four (I know people who don't like this movie that much but I love this movie) and I can not wait for this movie! Hugh Jackman here I come! HAHA

The Da Vinci Code

Okay so this is really a given... can't wait to see this!

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

This one is seriously a no brainer. Those people who know me know the reason why I want to catch this movie. It is actually in this blog already. It is such a no brainer really. I'm swooning right now as I think of him! ORLANDO!!!!!!! I think I'm going to faint...

The Devil Wears Prada

This one I really can't wait to see too! I haven't read the book but of course I want to and besides it is starring Anne Hathaway (who doesn't love her!). Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!!!

I still want to see a lot of movies like American Dreamz (the sort of spoof of American Idol, oh speaking of A.I. I will talk about that in my next entry), Scary Movie 4, Stick It, Take The Lead, Cars (so cute!!!), Just My Luck, A Prairie Home Companion (I do like Lindsay Lohan), The Omen (I'm intriguied because this movie come out on 6/6/06... great), there is a new The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift but Paul Walker isn't the lead (damn!), Garfield has a sequel too! Garfield's A Tail of Two Kitties, and a lot more I can't think of now. I just love movies...

**Photos courtesy of Yahoo! Movies

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