Friday, October 06, 2006

No Strings Attached, Honestly?

Wierd thought...

When we don't want commitment. When we don't want to get hurt or complicate the situation, we cover it up by saying that there are NO STRINGS ATTACHED... there won't be hurt feelings or misunderstandings. The prettier cousin of FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.

I don't have anything against anyone who subscribes to these notions because I admit that I do use it sometimes... yes I have friends with benefits! HAHA Who am I fooling with that statement?! I want Friends With Benefits, the One Tree Hill Soundtrack I mean. Okay seriously, even I think that sometimes in certain situations there are no strings attached. Everything is purely platonic and stable, I believe there are no unwanted surprises around the corner. The what you see is what you get mentality... this WYSIWYG mentality could be no strings attached sister... okay I apologise for the overuse of familial association. That would be the last.

But honestly could we say that there would be NO STRINGS ATTACHED? This could be applied to any type of relationship (i.e. work, school, friend, love). I choose to put it in the context of my favorite topic: LOVE. I develop feelings towards people under my "type" where I say that I'm just looking for an inspiration of some sorts; hence I say that there are no strings attached. And then I realize that slowly I tie the strings up together, slowly I get attached. It does not matter if I know him personally... I just get attached.

With my situation I don't believe that I can have a relationship of any sort without the strings or the commitment attached to it. There has to be that link. Think of it by saying to someone that there are no strings attached aren't you already promising them that string of hope that there really is nothing there. I don't know if that makes sense. Any relationship no matter how serious or not serious it is still has strings. Playing the field still has strings... someone will still get attached.

Life's really something isn't it...


Anonymous said...

Typo on the first sentence. *is terribly, terribly OC*

The thing is, there are different kinds of love: Romantic love is just one of them. There is fraternal love (hehe), platonic love, maternal love, etc.

Sometimes people confuse those "loves" with the other.

Nikki said...


I agree with what you're saying actually... I'm one of those people who is guilty of doing that...