Thursday, November 30, 2006

Of Best Friends And Quotes

When we have the time my best and I have interesting conversations... it's not that we are talking about anything life altering but they are rather interesting. The words are pretty disturbing, sarcastic and funny... our own brand of humor I guess...

I haven't chatted with her in awhile because we have both been busy with our world. She has her busy life in Australia and I have my own chaos here in the Philippines. And tonight we finally had the chance to catch up after weeks of no contact.

Our conversation inadvertently switched into talking about the male species. We were talking about how guys never know what they got. And when we were about to say goodbye she was wishing me luck on some personal issue where I just replied by saying: "That's life I guess..."

The funniest line came from her: "Hindi life yun… stupidity." She went on saying how the possible was already there and they just keep on hoping for the impossible. I can't specifically say what we were talking about but it had to do with the opposite sex. It had to do with oppurtunities, possibilities, circumstances and the whole kazaam... seriously funny stuff.

In connection with the conversation about the other gender I just have to post these quotations I got off some sites...

--I need a boy to give me a good hug and say, "I'm sorry my gender sucks." (I LOVE THIS ONE)
--You never really stop loving someone you just learn to live without them.
--If he's the first person you look for when you walk into a room, he might just be a little more than a friend.
--My dream is to hear rocks hitting the window and see you standing in the rain.
--To continue loving somebody even though there's no chance of that love ever thriving... that's romance.
--When he's nearby my entire body knows it.
--Don't you just hate it when your falling for that one boy and you keep telling yourself to stop before you get hurt but your heart won't let you?
--Oh... the things I'll do for a boy who won't do anything for me.
--Boy: I love you
Girl: Where did that come from?
Boy: My heart... (AWWW)
--Every girl, no matter how strong she is, wants someone to save her.
--There's a someone out there for everyone, except this is the world's biggest game of hide and seek, and you bet that he found the best hiding spot he could find. And he's waiting for you to find him, or better yet, maybe he'll get tired of waiting and come find you.
--You hit me with the truth but I think a bus would have hurt less.
--But young love is adorable, the kind where a boy will do anything to sit next to that girl he's had his eye on since the first day he met her.
--Just once in my life I want someone else to kiss first. I want someone else to lie awake and wonder what the right words are, if they'll be rejected, if they're ruining a great friendship. I want him to want me so much that he can't help himself, that he's willing to risk everything for a chance to be with me. (HERE! HERE! HAHA)
--Nice guys became extinct along with all the dinosaurs. (A lot of guys would probably argue with me on this one)
--Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life, and LOVE shouldn't be one of them. (I totally agree with this one)
--Sometimes I think we fall in love because our HEARTS are beating too loud to hear our minds screaming "Don't do this to yourself."
--It's easy to fall in love... but the hard part is to find someone who'll catch you.
--Cinderella walked on broken glass. Sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass. Belle fell in love with a hideous beast. Pocahontas risked her life for a feast. Jasmine could have had anyone instead she chose a poor man. Ariel walked on land all for love and for life. It was all about blood, sweat & tears... I guess loves all about facing your biggest fears.
--I wonder when I pass by does his stomach do a flip? Does he get nervous? Does he ignore his friends, just to look at me? Does he wait to see my smile? Does he get sweaty palms? Does he think to himself ... "Oh gosh here she comes?"
--Love is when you walk all the way to the other side of the classroom to sharpen your pencil in order to walk by him, then realizing that your pencil is a mechanical one. (CUTE!)


Anonymous said...

nice, loved your love quotes nicole! hehe

ure supposed to GM that to the other globe people whenever youve got unlimitxt! haha

Anonymous said...

I never thought you're into mush!


Nikki said...

@ rv: if ever mag unli ako... hehe

@ poli: i'm one of the mushiest people i know! haha