Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Testing My Limits

Today was the first day of my second semester. I wasn't really in the mood when I got up this morning. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and sleep. Of course I did not do that and even if I wanted to I probably wouldn't have because I can't run away from my life. I'm a college student and at this moment that is my life.

It was a pretty good day though. Got to see my friends again and since I only met the first batch of our professors I have to say that we have an interesting bunch. My classes this semester include: Theology (Social Catholic something, I forgot), English (Public Speaking, not to keen about that one but as I was thinking this morning I guess this is the time to test my limits... I just have to see what I can do), Math (Statistics, interesting... let's see if I can handle this class... although I am wondering how much harder this is than my last Stat class), Philippine History (I'm being taught by the chair of the Student Welfare Development Board in the Office of Student Affairs which means that she handles all the organizations inside the university AND she's married to my Stat prof... you read that right... they are married which we think is actually a cute thing!).

I have four more professors to meet tomorrow... let's see what they bring to the table. I'm a little excited to do some work... I'm all about testing my limits at the moment. I would try to take every challenge that I could handle let's see where that takes me. This might be an even more interesting semester than the last one...

I'm going now. I know I promised I won't play The Sims on weekdays but since we don't have anything for tomorrow yet I am playing to my hearts content tonight. I know that I over indulge myself... whatever. HAHA Bye!


Anonymous said...

Good luck to you guys! :D Have you seen my sched (French is eating my brain, lol)? Go visit UP someday!

Nikki said...

Good luck to you too! Advance Happy Birthday! It's on the 12th right?

Well I know you can handle French... Maybe I should visit someday... let's see...

Miss you!

By the way I wanted to ask how your LTA was last year was it fun?