Friday, July 21, 2006

A Statement An Expression Call It What You Like

Damn it... he still looks good... Rianne probably knows who I'm talking about ("FIRST LOVE NEVER DIES")! HAHA We are both going crazy... I'm just saying that he still looks good... even I don't know what I mean by that... haven't really seen him recently... I just thank the powers of the World Wide Web... I don't even know why I am talking about this right now. I'm just on stalker mode I guess.

Moving on...

I am still on a little hiatus due to a lot of responsibilities in the real world. But I just felt like typing I guess. Doing a little freehand writing... wait is that what its called?

I just thought of a topic though...

Expression and when it hinders, when it helps, when it is repressed...

There is just a lot of controversy around our faculty today. Let us just say that it is starting to feel like... I can't think of a proper euphemism. Well it is constricting to say the least. I am not personally being invaded or whatever but it affects a lot of those around me and it of course bounces back to me in a way.

We all have our own way of expressing ourselves, some with spoken words, others with numbers, some with the written word, some with their bodies and some with brushes. It is all just a matter of what God-given talent one possesses. And that talent helps in the creation of an expression.

Then there is also perspective and social milieu and background. Expression is an outlet of emotion, perspective, belief, and talent. Through our lifestyle, clothing, words and actions we are portraying an alter ego, a personality or our true selves.

So when what is the boundary? What is the limit? When should a statement be curtailed? When it is harmful? When it is just an expression? When it disrupts the status quo?

I honestly do not have answers to those questions... an opinion perhaps... what is going on in the world anyway??? Why are some people still stuck onto their personal space? Can't we all just get along, compromise and see the big picture?

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