Friday, April 27, 2007
Easier Said Than Done
I know that I did not take the transition from high school to college that easily. I know that I'm still adjusting... I have two years left and then I have to make another transition into the REAL WORLD.
Change is so disorienting that I have no idea how to approach it. Life would probably be easier if we were taught how to adjust to change but I know that learning how to instantly cope with change as if it were a topic in an English class would just suck the fun out of life.
Yes, I said that it would drain us of the joys of life. Some people would disagree with me because even I would disagree with myself at times on this particular topic.
I crave change and success but the changes aren't always that easy to adjust to. The fear still holds me back, other people's success stories can add to my insecurities... you see that good and sometimes frightening part about change is that you are not the only person going through it, everyone and everything changes.
It's easier said than done when it comes to change. But choosing to accept and work with that change has its rewards. I'm trying to accept and work with the changes in my environment. I believe that when I stop rejecting those changes out of fear and complacency things would work out naturally without any interference on my part.
As it is said in my new layout: I'll will let the star lead my way. I know that it's time to let things work out on their own.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A Dashboard and Dashboard Confessional
I've always wondered about the meaning of dashboard. I know where it is in a car but I have no idea what it actually does. If you're a Blogger user you're familiar with this word because in order to modify your blog you would be clicking this link that says DASHBOARD. I finally looked it up (my grandfather would be happy) and it's description made sense.
A dashboard controls and keeps things. In this blogger's case, Blogger controls and keeps all of my ideas. It helps me compartmentalize and send those ideas out into the world. Blogger's dashboard helps me think straight. It's my little online guide to blogging.
As for the Dashboard Confessional thing, well I've been listening a lot to them. I thank the person who introduced me to Hands Down so many years ago because after that song I was just floored by the band. And when I saw how gorgeous Chris is, I know I will forever love the band!
No matter how many people say that they're too emo or whatever I don't really care. I don't know how he does it but Chris manages to passionately sing about emotions. It just grabs me and I take it all in... hook, line and sinker.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Family Escapades
We played hide and seek or should I say "hide-inseek" as my adorable little cousin Terenz calls it a few days ago. It was so much fun. You have a 21-year-old guy, an 18-year-old princess (HAHA who am I kidding?!), a 14-year-old model (yes my cousin Kaye is tall and skinny, complete model material), an 11-year-old beauty queen, a 6-year-old "sexy" kid (she's the driver's kid and she likes to be called sexy), and the most adorable soon to be 4-year-old cutie. It was such a laugh trip and I haven't enjoyed myself that much in quite some time. Being all sweaty and dirty has not been this much fun in years.
Terenz was so amused that it was hilarious when he wanted to hide in the car for the nth time. He's just so cute and I miss the little boy already. What's more fun was he doesn't even know how to hide. He'll stand somewhere, bow down and close his eyes. He thinks that when he doesn't see everyone else he was already perfectly hidden. But you could hear it from his laughter and from the way he ran that he had so much fun. That made me so happy. I can't help but smile when I think of that little kid laughing. I love him so much.
We were at Tiendesitas last night for a little family dinner (too bad Terenz wasn't there) and that was so much fun as well. Being the accesory junkie that I am I bought another pair of earrings and a cute plastic ring. I scored good deals and I'm very happy about both buys. That sounds so "shopaholic-y" but whatever. HAHA
And tomorrow we are off to Baguio for a one week vacation. My parents won't be there but the brood will be there plus a few adults so that would be great. That would mean that this would be my last entry for the incoming week. Hope it's a good one for all of you. Until the next one! Bye!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Hottie Of The Month - April

Katharine McPhee info and picture:
Paolo Nutini info and picture:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Holy Week Jetlag
I did not go anywhere for Holy Week. I was with my family and tradition was upheld. I talked about that in my previous entry already and I wrote in because I want to talk about what happened after Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
I mentioned that a few relatives were coming home for a little vacation and they arrived on Saturday night. It has been a whirlwind of activity since then. Since that night we have not eaten on time. Last Saturday we ate at around 9 o 'clock. On Sunday we had lunch at 3 and dinner at around 9 again. Yesterday we ate lunch at 1. Let's just say that our systems are a bit out of wack.
Their arrival made me appreciate my family more. My cousin Nicky is so adorable and gorgeous. She's so tall for an eleven-year-old and I can see good things in her future. I'm starting to see the value of spending time with family more. Summer vacation is giving me the luxury to do so. I look at my family in different perspective now. I can sum it up in these words: SLIGHTLY DYSFUNCTIONAL BUT COMPLETELY HAPPY. There are quirks and weaknesses but we have been good to each other and I'm thankful for that. I have been given a good biological family. I have an amazing set of friends who I consider family as well.
I spent my Holy Week thanking the Lord for my family. Here's to the people I know will always be there for me. They may not always get my attitude but I know that they will be there to support me no matter what. That certainly gives me the faith to carry on with my life.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Update, Update, Update
We went to 14 churches on Maundy Thursday for the "Visita Iglesia" so that probably wacked out my system because it has been a long time since I've been out at night. Yes I'm such a homebody and a slight dork but I love staying at home. The food at Napoli's was yummy as usual though. For under 2000 pesos we got three pastas, one large pizza, another small pizza and three desserts (ony three of us eat dessert). That's for 8 people and all of us were so full by the end of the night. That's why I love that restaurant.
Okay I'm getting a bit hungry. At least we'll be having a feast tonight. It feels great when the family gets together. There really isn't anything interesting or peculiar happening in my life that's why I'm not writing in. But I'm happy that I'm getting to write poems again. I might put up a Deviant account one of these days to finally have my "portfolio". Keep you people updated on that. I should probably go. Bye!
Monday, April 02, 2007
What I've Been Up To
I realized how much I love having control over things. I do whatever I want with the sims and its fun. That sounds creepy I know. It shows my whole control freak side, not that I'm proud of that.
Anyway, I've also done a lot of reading these past few days. I highly recommend The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino. I very inspirational one. Finally got around to reading Mae's present. It is a chick lit entitled Pink Shoes by Katrina Atienza. I read No Boyfriend Since Birth by Claire Betita again. Yes I'm reminding myself how fabulous I am. I also read Legend by Jude Deveraux. I'm also reading my Princess Diaries collection. I'm a Meg Cabot fan and the series is very cute and hilarious (okay that sounds like a guy...).
I enjoy this little break from real life. This little lull between semesters. I have been yearning for summer for a long time already and it has not disappointed me yet. The heat's the only drawback. I just need to recharge batteries a bit. Indulge in my lazy side before I kick off another probably crazy semester. Now all I need is some island to retreat to. Anyone have their own personal islands that they would love to lend to me? Anyone??
I'll get back to you people when I have something more important and profound to say. I'm just testing out my tito's DSL and so far so good. Ciao for now!