Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Exorcism Of Bad Crushes

I define bad crushes as those people who aren't really "meant" for you. Okay that's vague... I mean those crushes that aren't really supposed to be considered "crush material" in the first place. Okay now that sounds mean... I mean they are crushes that don't really boost anyone's ego or morale or someone who doesn't really inspire anyone. Those people who you are deceived into thinking is the best thing in the world but in the end all they actually do is treat you like crap.

I can't really define it because it probably limits the whole experience (okay I'm having flashbacks of my Philosophy of Man class...) but I believe that we all have our own definition of a bad crush. I thought of another one: TOXIC. That's as simple as I can define it.

Now wouldn't it be great if there was like this spell that could help us "flush away" all the things and feelings that these bad crushes leave in us helpless observers?! Wouldn't it be great if we could like have something like this:

A strand of hair (or fingernail or DNA sample if crush is bald)
Journal or Blog Entries about the bad crush (printed version of course)
Pictures (both stolen/stalker pictures and the regular kind)
Matchstick or lighter

And so on... we could like put that in the trashcan and burn it all. HAHA It would be like your ridding yourself of bad feelings caused by these toxic emotions. Too bad we're stuck with the conventional way of getting over someone i.e. chocolate and food for women and "masculine activity" (I don't know what guys do to get over someone) for men.

I wonder if there would be a more fun way to do this... ideas anyone??


Poli said...

Haha! The "ingredients part" is very funny!

Hey, why don't you add "public announcement of the bad crush' identity?" Haha!

So why do you had a crush on him at the first place?

Nikki said...

I'm not talking about this one person I know you're trying to get out of me... I'm talking about bad crushes in general. Have had a few of them in the past... sorry Poli you're still not getting the identity out of me... HAHA

samuel said...


I may have found the anwer why people are bent in hounding other people (like you for example) regarding their love life.

Love preferences consequently manifest the kind of person who has set them. Thus since your one of the most enigmatic memebers of the class, people are naturally intrigue by the person that gets your attention since it would ultimately lead to "what-makes-Nicole-tick"

on the other hand

it could also serve as a topic so other people could tease you in the future


so they could steal him from you. Beware Nicole they may snatch him when your not looking. XD

Nikki said...

HAHA I love your theories Sam!

I have never been called enigmatic before. Thanks for that! I take it as a huge compliment... : D

They can take him if they want to! LOL

Anonymous said...

'They can take him if they want to'

Is he that bad a crush? Hahaha!

Anyway how do guys get over girls? err I'll try to not generalize -- they go to strip clubs ^^ hahaha jokes! Nah, I guess they keep it in until they find someone who can take the place of the other and along the way they go to strip clubs. I suggest you go to one too or just stick to your VooDoo...hahaha jokes best!

Hmmz, Is there any chance at all that he could turn into a 'good crush'?

Nikki said...

HAHA... I'm not really sure what type of a crush he actually is... it's hard to categorize a friend... that's the only hint you people are getting out of me! He's a friend but he's not from our class!

Anonymous said...

i don't know that Nicole has a "witchy thing" inside her..hehe. nice one. you made me laugh.hahaha

i just can imagine you doing all those rituals.hehe

Nikki said...

Try it... might work! HAHA

Anonymous said...

ya know what?

i was just about to comment how betsi did!

i didn't know we could click! Hehe! Now, if there's just a way to find out if there's a real Hogwarts...

the best way to trash them?

do all the ingredients you have (trashcan-less), put them in a boiling pot, do it outside, maybe in the forest (uh-where?), in the dead of the night and sing it all out (a-chuga-chuga-chi-chi-hwa!)

Then, put the essence to the jug, freeze it, use it to make halo-halo (oh! put all the best things you can, set aside something for yourself), put it into his house with a love note from an anonymous admirer.


could that justify the means and ens.... ahahahah!


so. wanna be witch like me? (hermione?) hekhekehk! poli. don't contradict okay?