Friday, March 02, 2007

What I Love Right Now...

Such an original title I know. I deserve a Pulitzer or something maybe even an Ustetika award. HAHA NEVER MIND.

I just feel things starting to wind down just a bit. Things in school are steadily winding down. I still have a bunch of requirements to finish but they're almost done. Vacations almost here! I just love that!

I'm missing all the TV shows I watch. I'll probably watch One Tree Hill in a bit because I just can't help it anymore! I miss it too much! It's like that gorgeous boyfriend I haven't seen in a LONG time. Weird metaphor I know. I just miss being normal. Okay, I just miss being lazy. HAHA

Another thing that I love at the moment is Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around Comes Around" song. It's just so catchy (God I wish Nikki could read this. She would read that with emphasis... CCCAAATTTCCHHYYY HAHA). Makes me think of karma. I'm not really sure if I'm a believer in karma but there is a certain validity to karma. We all eventually get what we deserve right. It may come surprisingly sometimes but we still get what we deserve and not what we want. Life's payback I guess.

Anyway, I should probably go and watch OTH. Look Sir Esguerra I used the acronym properly! HAHA Bye everyone!


Poli said...

Wah! That's my LSS at the moment!
I have to memorize the lyrics because right now, I'm just making up words!

Nikki said...

I know. At least it's a good LSS song! HAHA