Saturday, April 07, 2007

Update, Update, Update

My head hurts and I feel slightly out of wack. I'm here at my tito's home in Mira-Nila because my tita and her family (except for Judica) will be coming home for a three week vacation. They migrated to Australia a long time ago and they haven't been on a vacation here in ages. I'm pretty excited to see them. But my body isn't making it easy for me.

We went to 14 churches on Maundy Thursday for the "Visita Iglesia" so that probably wacked out my system because it has been a long time since I've been out at night. Yes I'm such a homebody and a slight dork but I love staying at home. The food at Napoli's was yummy as usual though. For under 2000 pesos we got three pastas, one large pizza, another small pizza and three desserts (ony three of us eat dessert). That's for 8 people and all of us were so full by the end of the night. That's why I love that restaurant.

Okay I'm getting a bit hungry. At least we'll be having a feast tonight. It feels great when the family gets together. There really isn't anything interesting or peculiar happening in my life that's why I'm not writing in. But I'm happy that I'm getting to write poems again. I might put up a Deviant account one of these days to finally have my "portfolio". Keep you people updated on that. I should probably go. Bye!


Anonymous said...

The layout is very lovely, dear. :)

Nikki said...
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