Thursday, June 02, 2005

Free Swag...

Just two more nights I'm out of here... complete bummer... this makes me want my own room more... haha I'm moanin' about me moving out of my tito's room after I girlified it a bit... hehe as if that word even exists... hehe it just sucks... but what else can I do really... nothing... haha

Anyway I was watching Oprah last night and it was entitled Oprah Baby because she was hosting as what she calls the "world's biggest baby shower" because it was for this pregnant moms in a military base at the States I forgot the name but man those mothers were pampered so much! They got a lot of free swag... and their babies are so lucky! haha

Speaking of free swag I was watching TRL a while ago with their trl prom week although this episode is a bit old because it was last May 20... my world revolves around the tv these days! haha anyway I am so envious because the studio audience got so much free swag! Which included this cool mp3 player which I so seriously need!!! I am so envious!! haha

Oh well... I'll just be going now! Oh by they way although Chell doesn't read this just wanted to greet her a HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! Best of luck for you and Jeipi wish you both all the happiness you deserve... wow... it has been a pretty bumpy year for this two... haha anyway... got to go... bye!!!


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