Sunday, January 08, 2006

Destiny...Is It Even Worth Mentioning?

-gift for discovery: a natural gift for making useful discoveries quite by accident .

-somebody’s preordained future: the apparently predetermined and inevitable series of events that happen to somebody or something.
-inner realizable purpose of a life: the inner purpose of a life that can be discovered and realized
-something that predetermines events: a force or agency that predetermines what will happen

Accident... the movie Serendipity seemed like one big accident. It is said on the posters: DESTINY WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR. And I have to say destiny has one sick sense of humor... seriously. It would spin us into circles until we can't think straight... great right?!

Most people don't believe in it... destiny is such a big word... like this dialogue in the movie... Sara Thomas (Kate Beckinsale) said this...

"I think it is dangerous to use the term soulmate.
It implies to some magical element that we have no control over like fate or destiny.
Holding on to beliefs like that stops us from doing real work."

In some ways people could be right... in some ways being too entranced by finding our "soulmate" would cause us to stop doing things that matter... Here is another example, this is said by Sara's best friend Eve (Molly Shannon)...

"You know it is a wonderful thought, all of life, every single event is some part of a master plan designed to lead us to our universal soulmate.
If that’s really true then what’s the point of living? Or making decisions…
so that you make mistakes, mistakes like this trip and if you’re smart enough you’ll learn from your mistakes, you figure it out, you think,
you realize that life isn’t some elaborately schemed stage play with directions for the actors. Life’s a mess… it is chaos personified."

Life is "chaos personified". Real life is anyway... so why believe in it? Why believe that there is this "predetermined" force? Why should we do it? To get it out of our systems...??? to just experience it even for one fleeting moment? Like in what Sara said...

"I’ve just spent the entire flight staring into the sky thinking not about my fiancé but about this mystery guy I met a million and a half hours ago.
A guy I don’t even remember except for this vague picture I have inside my head.
It was just a few seconds.
A fragment really… and it was like… and that moment,
the whole universe existed just to bring us together.
That’s why I’m here.
That’s why I’m going to let fate take me wherever it wants me to go.
Because when all this is over at least I’m never going to have to think of him ever again."

Then there is the confusion with signs... what the heck are signs? Are they ways of adding more confusion to our already twisted perception of life and love... we ask ourselves like Jonathan Trager (John Cusack)...

"Maybe the absence of signs is a sign?!"
"Maybe there’s no faith, if there is… it’s not working for me."

But then again think of it... if the whole universe did in one wierd way bring you two together and you have this wierd feeling that it actually did then maybe it does exist... maybe that is why we believe... because we feel... we feel it in us when we see that one true person, when we look into their eyes... and all we could say is... 'God. I found him/her. I found my one true love.' Somehow it doesn't seem like a big joke. Somehow in us we believe or we hold on to believe that destiny exists. That we are "a lid to a pot"... a "Romeo to a Juliet"... I believe in it all... though it hurts... it is hard... I believe in life... in love... in destiny...

"If we are to live life in harmony with the universe,
we must all possess a powerful faith
in what the ancients used to call ‘fatum’
and what we currently refer to as destiny."
Sara: "You don’t have to understand. You just have to have faith. "
Jonathan: "Faith in what?"
Sara: "Destiny…"

Here are few more lines to inspire, to make you think...

"They say that once in your lifetime someone comes along whom you’re absolutely meant to be with. Everything feels great, the stars are aligned, body and spirit are in balance."

"Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences but rather it is a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan." --Dean Kansky, Jonathan's best friend (Jeremy Piven)

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