Friday, January 27, 2006

Is This Seriously Happening To Me?

I know I've been going through this whole university thing for almost seven or so months already but still each day it seems to get to me... it gets to me how much growth I still need to go through and how much I actually grew (not in inches or pounds by the way!) this year.

I am priviledged enough to let some of my hard earned (?) efforts be somehow recognized...

Because by some wierd twist of fate I made it into the Dean's List... I know it is my dream but still it really gets to me. Today was this "AB Recognition Day" thing or as I call it: "Hand out the certificates as fast as you can because there are hundreds of them and this needs to get done by four" thing. HAHA

It was just a totally new experience for me. First thing... this is my first time in a graded institution... I'm in college and well it is just all so wierd... good wierd anyway...

I know I wished for it this year and I got it and I am hoping I will be able to maintain it for this semester (because it was for the first sem) and until the day I finally graduate from tertiary level of education... I am at the bottom of it all (I garnered the 1.75 GPA... the lowest to get into this list) but still I am blessed because I know that there is still so much room for improvement and I strive to be better next time and give Journalism a better name... a name which it truly deserves...

I'm still a bit out of it... regarding this whole situation really... I just didn't think this would seriously happen to me let alone in my first year... because somehow I feel there are more people in my class who deserve this... okay who am I kidding? I'm happy I got this... I'm ecstatic I made it!

But there is this one thing that came to mind when all of this was done... how I have been so caught up in my own world and its own analysis of other people that are just so wrong... I have been given the chance this year to be an even firm believer in the saying that "First impressions aren't always true..." I can't really explain it but that just popped into my head today after the ceremonies... hmmm...

It's unbelievable... I have been so blessed... pinch me... I must be dreaming... IS THIS SERIOUSLY HAPPENING TO ME?

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