Saturday, January 21, 2006

Picking The Wrong Men

Sex & the City is the perfect show for the modern woman and in my case for the modern woman in training... it's raw, real (most of the time anyway) and fun... a woman's life or a life we would wish to have sans some of the insanities... but maybe that is what makes it more interesting. Every episode sticks to you and strikes a certain nerve in you. Sex & the City says the words you do not dare say...

Like this certain episode I have been contemplating on for quite a bit... the episode entitled: Games People Play. If you're a die hard fan the title would probably ring a bell already. Well this episode pretty much centers around Carrie's realization regarding "picking the wrong men"... still fresh from her break up with Big in Season Two she has been ranting about how fabulous she was and how it was all his loss (typical female reaction to a break up I guess...) to Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda who got fed up with her rantings and asked her to see a therapist... to make a long story short, she met a guy in her therapist's office, they went out and she found out that he was seeing Dr. G for a year because he loses interest in women after he sleeps with them and then she had her breakthrough when he asked her why she was seeing Dr. G to which the reply was... "I pick the wrong men."

I pick the wrong men... it honestly struck a nerve... it made me make a run down of the list of guys I have shown interest in and to my own surprise I realize that the one common factor that they have with me is that they are clearly not interested... from guy no. 1 up to the present one... they are all simply not into me. A sad thing but nonetheless true... don't pity me though because the realization is a good thing really. Most people would go through life realizing that instead of finding fault upon every person you'd have a relationship in the past it would be much more productive to look inside you and analyze to see what you might have done wrong. I believe that the supposed victim in a relationship would never have been one in the first place if we knew how to handle ourselves in a situation like this and if we didn't feel like the other person was always the bad guy.

I've had my share of thinking that I was the victim, that they were the ones who were causing all the problems and I was just an innocent by stander and like Carrie said... "He was playing games and I didn't know the rules... I was just along for the ride." We all feel that way sometimes... it is just natural I guess but sometimes we really have to remember that who we are with or who we choose to be with is most of the time our choice in the first place. And those men/boys I were attracted too were my choice... I picked the wrong men.

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