Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Twisted Greeting

I'm thinking of something clever to say but after almost just 4 hours of sleep, bacon and eggs going down my system (yum), left over caffeine from too much iced tea last night (I don't know if that's possible) which led to my 4 hour sleep and no caffeine to kick start this morning yet, a short "brown out" (what do you call this anyway this is not a valid English word) which led to me waking up and despite the cold weather I couldn't get back to sleep, and I have a hangover from missing my friends already even after I just saw a bunch of them last night (awww), I am at a loss of words...

Although the Forty Foot Echo gave me an idea thanks to their song "Brand New Day". Tomorrow is indeed a new day and May 14 is Mother's Day. And after such a long introduction of nothing related to this whatsoever it becomes a twisted greeting.

To mothers, mothers-to-be, and grandmothers out there may you enjoy your special day. You are the true super heroes for everything you have done for your children...



Anonymous said...

Where are the links? :O!

Nikki said...

below the tagboard