Oh God I'm still awake and tomorrow is Christmas eve already... we just had the Christmas party here in the compound and outside on the terrace I can hear my parents and titos and titas drinking and teasing and playing with the angel we call Terenz (not sure of the spelling of his name...) and here is a picture of that adorable baby... he is the baby of the family and we all love him dearly.
This was taken about last year I think... he's just grown taller but he still looks the same
I am just sort of using my dad's access because he is using his offpeak access on the other computer that is "networked" to this computer and it is free so here I am now... I should be sleeping because we'd be leaving in a few hours to go to Merville at my Lola's house to spend Christmas where we spend it every year...

I am just sort of using my dad's access because he is using his offpeak access on the other computer that is "networked" to this computer and it is free so here I am now... I should be sleeping because we'd be leaving in a few hours to go to Merville at my Lola's house to spend Christmas where we spend it every year...
Christmas I just love it... it is my favorite season... it reminds me of the traditions we carry out every year... the family dinner, the mass, my job to distribute the gifts to everyone, seeing what I got, the chill in the air, just being with the people whom you love and love you back... it is amazing... and Christmas is such a big event in the Philippines and I just love it... I love how it is such a big deal in our culture... we welcome Christ with a bang! So to speak...
I am grateful that I am able to experience another Christmas... another turn in my life... another wheel of life has shifted and is moving into a new year. It is amazing how time seems to float by all of us... time is such a blessing and a curse in itself... it is amazing how fast it all seems to go...
I am freezing my butt of right now because it is so cold... and I really have to go now and rest... but before I go I just want to greet everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!!
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