Thursday, December 15, 2005

One Of The Greatest Movies Of The Year!

King Kong is one of the best movies of the year! One of the coolest movies! I seriously loved the effects and like my dad said, you could not distinguish which of the scenes were computer generated and which ones were real... it was surreal and amazing! I really loved it!

There was one glitch though... the movie house was like a market place! Trust people to ruin an experience like that! We were in SM Centerpoint and the people were so friggin noisy! I just wanted to scream! MANNERS PEOPLE! ETIQUETTE!!!! GOD SAKES!!!!!!! That pissed me off... and it is a seriously sad thing... we expect our country to boost its economy to have better lives but simply being a bit quiet is something we can't do well then that is seriously effed up! It all starts from within! Change starts from within! ARGH! That frustrated me so much... and right now a part of me really wants to get out of here... sad but true... I hope my migration to Australia will push through... well it would push through and I'm about 70% sure... I have this slight feeling that I can't wait to go...

Hay! Anyway... it was really a smashing and exciting thrilling movie! You all have to see it seriously! It made my night! I seriously could not sleep last night... okay maybe because I was a bit full from the dinner after the movie but that movie was seriously exhausting! The part to look out for was Kong's battle with the "T-Rexes" HAHA one of the most exhausting scenes I have seen in my life! SO COOL!!! WATCH KING KONG!! HAHA

The other reason why I couldn't sleep was that I was excited to see the faculty show today at 2 o clock! I don't have classes only that! Yeah! Okay so I guess I'd better go... seriously... WATCH KING KONG! It is worth your hundred or so bucks!

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