But this book in my opinion was not a let down. It was what I wanted to hear... it was what I NEEDED TO HEAR... I love the way it seemed to put into words how I felt about myself... and here are a few excerpts and my favorite lines from the book:
"And so we started calling ourselves the No Boyfriend Since Birth Society as a joke, if not a defense mechanism, thereby joining a large phantom group of twentysomething women who although reasonably attractive and bright, had still not been privy to the joys and heartache of coupledom."
"Will I ever find true love? But before that, will I EVER have a boyfriend? How does it feel to have someone to love and trust and be with every day? Someone to call when work sucks, or watch a concert or a movie with just to relax? Someone you can turn to and confide in and ask advice from and rely-on because you know that he shares the same perspective as you? Because you know that he sees the world through your eyes. I'm 25 years old and I am just so tired of waiting. What if I were meant to be alone in this world? What if I'm supposed to know who it is I'm supposed to grow old with but I just don't?"
"Question: What is worse than having no boyfriend?
Answer: Having guys literally surround you - with none of them seemingly the least bit interested in you."
"If I converted all the time and energy I spend mooning over guys, I could probably light up the entire Makati Central Business District. For two weeks."
"'So... especially if it's good sex, you spend most of your time doing it or thinking about it.' Yoj replied. 'You're not able to invest in each other's emotions. You don't get to really know each other, you don't appreciate each other.' She paused and said, 'And that, my dear friend, is the kind of investment that is needed to sustain a relationship.'"
"What happens when you take matters in your own hands - and you fail? What happens when you set out to look for something and end up with nothing? I went out to grab whatever oppurtunity there was, thinking that I could make my own destiny. But there's no such thing as a perfect time, a perfect moment when everything will fall into place.One cannot force it. One can only do so much."
"I'm not swearing off guys, but I'm taking things at a healthier pace."
"When you don't rush, panic, or worry, things just fall into place."
"I'm not looking for one person to love. I'm not deliberately looking anymore. But my eyes are wide open for many lovable persons out there who are equally capable of giving me love."
"What was I doing thinking that all it takes to find true love is a good marketing plan? Being an idiot, that's what. There are just some things that are immeasurable, unpredictable, and therefore, fun and exciting and cosmic. It's not something you can make calculating on in order to arrive at the desired result. It's not something you can make a goal of."
"I should enjoy and learn from the 'meantime' - that period of time between seeking love and finding love."
God I love this book... I don't want to hear I-told-you-sos but I'll probably get that telepathically or one way or another. It gave me the boost that I seriously needed. Like what Prof. Neil (I love quoting him! HAHA) said and it is actually something I heard on Will and Grace... it goes something like this:
"That I am complete within myself so I don’t have to look to you to complete me."
I remember Sir saying that never look upon another to complete yourself. And I was trying to

I'm feeling very empowered this past few days and I am thankful for it really... and now I have to go because I still have a lot to do! Just wanted to share this with all of you...
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