Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mental Voting

I was part of the class president's general assembly today at the Tan-Yankee Student Center and the assembly was held in order to talk about voter's rights. I'm an unlucky unregistered voter for reasons I shall say later.

It was very enlightening and mental voting is something I'll take into heart. I wasn't able to register because I did not want to. I felt apathetic toward the whole situation. I kept putting it off until the registration deadline came and went. I just did not want to do it.

Today I realized that I committed a big mistake. The speaker explained to us how we could become responsible voters. He wished we would see past the superficial qualities and vote for someone who could actually realize the hopes we have for the country, someone who wants to make a difference. He hoped that we've realized the value of taking our single vote seriously.

I admit to be a cynical person. I did not think that my vote would mean anything. But I realized that if every single person thought the same way as I do, then progress would be an impossible dream. It was a real eye opener. He left us with that whole mental voting thing that even if we couldn't vote we would just picture who we would want to see leading the country.

Since a lot of us were unregistered voter, he hoped that we would somehow influence those that can vote because we will be stuck with these officials for the next 3 years. That is what I'm doing now. I hope that those people who have the chance to vote. Please take care of that single vote. Take care of it and give it to someone you know deserves it. See past the superficial characteristics. So what if they could speak well or if they look good on television? Do they deserve to be re-elected? What have they done for the people except waste time on cases they can't seem to prove? Vote wisely is such a cliche but it is the truth. Our nation's progress depends on that single vote.

Now on a lighter note... here's something for the independent women out there. A little Valentine's gift for you ladies... click HERE.


Anonymous said...

eeks. We have the same problem.

Add to that, I even admonished my elder sister for not registering (i think 3 yrs ago?) and for badmouthing about them when in fact she doesn't have any right since she didn't vote!

Now I have to eat my own words!

Now the man I just didn't want to go to politics will go to politics! (I so hate you Manny!)

Now, I can't even prove the fact that I can name names that could be worthy of a vote! damn.

It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I lost track of time. I had been milling around our grandparent's house some kilometers away from our own town during Christmas.

And it proved to be fatal. x_x

Now what can I do to save Philippine humanity? Economy? Politics?

Geez. I didn't think I'd get too much involved in these subjects. Darn.

Nikki said...

We never really know how involved we could actually get into these issues...