Saturday, February 10, 2007

Busy Weekend, Busy Week

I'm using this oppurtunity to organize my thoughts on everything I need to accomplish this weekend... I won't be home this afternoon so I won't have the oppurtunity to blog.

Now let's see what do I need to do...

Journ: Study for quiz
RC: Nothing (thank God)
Philo: Continue reading essays
Bio: Nothing (I do need to borrow an anatomy book though)

Scl: Watch an Inconvenient Truth for report
Eng: Prepare backdrop and questions for Panel Discussion
Stat: Begin proj
Hst: Finish taking notes on Stories from the Margins

PE: Get music for Jive

I'll be doing a lot of reading and stuff this weekend. My head hurts from all the activities I'll be doing this week. I have to go and start on the backdrop for English.


samuel said...

Wow! Four consecutive entries in a week, that more than what I could probably post in three months. You sure are taking this blogathon seriuosly.


Maybe I should follow your lead so I could update my blog at a more regular basis?


That would probably be to much for my disorganized thoughts (and my "Mamaya na" syndrome). I wouldn't want fry my brain now would I.

Good luck with your list. I tried to do the same earlier in a piece of yellow paper, but the long sunny day was just to tempting to miss ( I spent my day playing the computer games).

Perhaps I should scold myself more often.

Nikki said...

I am taking this seriously. I'm trying to dedicate myself to something maybe it would rub off on my academics.

I guess we are all slaves of our preoccupations. I spent half of the day yesterday watching the Friends DVD I borrowed from Tets.