Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Who Knew You Could Mix Valentines & Politics?

Happy Hearts Day everyone!!

This is going to be a quick one. I just wanted to greet you guys.

I find it surprising that today I did not bitch or moan about the whole holiday. I admit that I was cranky this morning but after PE I got my second wind and I was bouncing all over the place. That could be a result of all the sugar I consumed today though.

I want to thank Tets because she was sweet enough to give me a pick-me-up this morning. She gave me a Coke float out of nowhere. If ever you read this, I just want to say thank you. It helped my mood a lot.

My college buddies and I spent the afternoon hanging out at the Quadricentennial Park and talking about politics. It maybe a result of the meeting de avance that we attended in the morning but it did turn into great conversation. I can't help but think how grown up that actually sounded. Although the conversation we had earlier was more... I don't know how to explain that. Never mind.

I also got to see Pchan which was good. I was able to catch up with her a bit. I took her away from Clara and Dawn so we could make tsimis (sounds so conyo... HAHA).

I have to admit that today is the best Valentine's day. I guess that proves that it isn't all just about lovers. It could be about the friends we have in our lives... the good company that we keep. Oh and it doesn't hurt when you see a bunch of your crushes walking around today either. HAHA

Hope it was a good day for you guys!


Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday! :D Hehe.

Nikki said...

Happy Wednesday to you too!!