Monday, February 12, 2007

Nothing Really

Christina Aguilera certainly belts it out. She's so amazing. I got home just in time to catch her sing out loud in the 49th Grammy Awards. Amazing! I still have goosebumps. The Grammy moment was pretty cool as well. They had this girl sing with Justin Timberlake. She was chosen before two other contestants. It was a great performance as well.

I just got home from dinner with the family at Shangrila West. I am so full and sleepy so this would be especially quick. My little cousin Terence is just so adorable. I spent time with him tonight and I just wanted to hug and kiss him. He is just so cute! I miss the kid already.

This is one hell of a week so my energy to write anything profound, especially since Valentines are just two days away, has completely left me. I'm pretty much a slave of my academic responsibilities right now.

God I really need sleep. I'm going now.

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