Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Search for ITP

I got home late because some of my friends and I wanted to watch the coronation night of The Search for the Ideal Thomasian Personality. Hormones were raging last night from both sides of the fence. Who could blame us? There were a bunch of beautiful people walking back and forth on stage and they were doing so enough to make hearts race.

I'm extending my congratulations to Ms. Nursing and Mr. Pharmacy for winning the pageant. Ms Nursing definitely deserve the title. She's been the epitome of beauty and elegance throughout the entire night. She so looks like a beauty queen.

Our class got to see a bunch of the candidates during the grand launching last month so we had an idea of the candidates we wanted to win. Mr. Nursing was a shoo-in but we got the surprise of our lives when he wasn't in the top 5 and Mr. Accountancy was. It wasn't right in my opinion. And even if both Mr. & Ms. Arts & Letters didn't make it into the top 5, I can say that they've held theirselves together and made our Artlet community proud. Congrats to both of you! And Mr. AB won Best in Sports Wear. He must've looked good because we did not get the chance to see him.

The person that caught the women's attention that night was Mr. Architecture. The women went wild when he got out for the casual wear and he had on this white button down shirt and then we got to see his six pack. Yes ladies he has a six pack abs. I'm getting a little flustered talking about this because that guy is definitely HOT. Too bad I forgot his name though. He looked like a Ken doll actually. He's still smokin though. HAHA He actually had his own little world when they were all called on stage to announce the winners. He had on earphones and he was dancing on stage. I usually see him around campus with these big earphones so I guess he's a big music fan. He was goofing around with the candidates. A bit of a show off I have to say.

Mr. Science was a complete cutie as well. I loved the way he strutted his stuff in the casual wear as well. He looked amazing. He is a little bishounen though which I think works for him. Ms. CFAD looked amazing. Chesca did it justice and I'm still jealous of her bod. I knew her since we became classmates in Women's Fitness in our first year. Crazy girl actually. HAHA

It was a good night filled with beautiful people. I congratulate the winners. Isn't it obvious that I like Mr. Archi?! HAHA

I wonder who'll get people's hearts racing next year...

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